Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Specialized Plant Tours in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park
Fog City Plants is pleased to announce our Winter 2014 season of Sunday Specialized Plant Tours in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.  These tours begin on Sundays at 1:00 pm in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, and last about 45 minutes.  Please be prepared to walk and to take pictures of beautiful plants !
The topics of the Specialized Plant Tours for the Winter 2014 season are:
(1)    Blooming Camellia Trees and Bushes in Golden Gate Park
(2)    South African and Australian Protea Plants in the San Francisco Botanical Garden
(3)    Palm Trees and Tree Ferns in Golden Gate Park
Please stay tuned for more information about these specialized plant tours, including specific dates for each of the three specialized plant tours.  For inquires and questions, please contact

Thank you for your interest !

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Tree Ferns complement other plants in the fern forest

The Tree Fern fits into the fern forest setting with 'dinosaur plants' (gunners chilensis), water loving lilies, and other smaller ferns --in this case, a chain fern and a sword fern.

Tree Ferns in a prehistoric 'dinosaur garden' for children

Some children will enjoy an imaginary 'dinosaur world' created by the fern forest. Children of all ages can appreciate the 'other-worldly' character of the pre-historic looking fern forest.

Tree Ferns at the center of a fern forest

Smaller Tree Ferns can be the center of a fern forest section of the garden.  This Australian Tree Fern is smaller than the calla lily at planting, but will grow to be the tallest plant in the fern forest.  Under good conditions, the trunk of the tree fern can grow more than one foot per year in height.